Chargeback prevention
What is a chargeback?
Chargeback is a procedure of returning money for goods or services to an initial payment card after a dispute. The procedure is aimed at protecting customers, but chargeback, which is often used by certain individuals, can seriously damage the reputation and approval rates of your business and lead to penalties and sufficient losses.

Why do you need merchant chargeback prevention?
To secure your business’ reputation
To eliminate penalties
To prevent approval rate decrease
To avoid financial losses
How to prevent fraudulent chargebacks?
To protect your business and secure your profits, you need to implement certain chargeback insurance, and the largest and most reliable options on the market are Verifi and Ethoca. We are official resellers of both chargeback prevention services and will grant you access to these solutions within our CRM.
Secure all Visa payments with Verifi.
Use RDR, CDRN, and Order Insight alerts as well as Compelling Evidence 3.0 solution to process your chargeback requests both automatically and manually by means of Verifi and prevent the majority of disputes quickly and stress-free.
Verifi Visa Solution is one of the best ways to secure your Visa payments by means of up-to-date alerts.
Take care of Mastercard transactions with Ethoca.
Process all Ethoca alerts and easily detect chargeback to protect your reputation and merchant account, as well as avoid penalties.
Ethoca is a leading solution for chargeback prevention for your Mastercard payments. This solution provides the following services to prevent fraudulent chargebacks.