20 Feb 2024

Using a Ready-Made CRM Solution or Developing Your Own One: Which One to Choose?

Cannot decide between custom CRM software and a ready-made solution?
Explore this article to find out which option to choose.

Optimizing customer interactions is a battlefield for businesses of all stripes, and the right CRM system is the key weapon. Using pre-made CRM solutions seems like the easiest and most reasonable option. Yet, regardless of high expenses, some businesses still develop their own software to get all the necessary tools.

So, which one should you choose: a ready-made solution or custom software? Let’s try to answer this question together.

What Is a CRM?

In the gladiator arena of modern business, where customer loyalty is the ultimate prize, a well-oiled customer relationship management (CRM) system is your champion's shield and sword. But what is a CRM system exactly? In a nutshell, CRM meaning is pretty simple — it is software for all your customer interactions. It consolidates information, streamlines workflows, and provides insights like a battle map for strategic decision-making.

CRM isn't a monolithic entity. In fact, various types of CRM software are used for different purposes. For example, sales CRM tools function like elite scouts, pinpointing high-value leads and tracking deals like heat signatures on a thermal sight. At the same time, marketing CRMs are strategists, deploying automated campaigns with pinpoint accuracy and segmenting customer bases for maximum impact. Finally, for service-oriented businesses, support CRMs are the front lines, managing a well-organized ticketing system and resolving customer inquiries with lightning speed.

As a matter of fact, there are hundreds of various CRM tools that fit every need, yet some businesses still develop their own custom solutions to achieve their goals. But is it really necessary? Let’s see.

What Is the Difference Between Custom and Ready-Made CRM?

The answer to this question is actually pretty simple and short — a ready-made CRM tool is the one you purchase, while a custom CRM software is the one that is developed specifically for your business. Both options have their pros and drawbacks, and both are used to achieve slightly different goals. For instance, a custom CRM platform works best for large corporations since, first of all, they have the funds and resources to develop, maintain, and update one and, secondly, they often have specific requirements ready-made solutions cannot provide.

Additionally, most CRMs work on a subscription-based model, and the more employees you have — the more you pay. Thus, for large corporations it is often more affordable to develop a custom CRM that fits all their needs and has no user number limitations. At the same time, if you need a reliable CRM for small business, a medium-sized company, or even a startup, a ready-made solution like Germius is going to be the best option for you.

All in all, the choice between custom software and a pre-made solution depends on a wide variety of factors, including your needs, business size, number of employees, and even CRM pricing. So, before making any decision, make sure to consider all the details, no matter how little they are and how insignificant they might seem to you.

Benefits of Ready-Made Solutions

Now that we know the difference between the two types of CRM platforms, let's take a look at the benefits each has, and we will start with ready-made CRM systems.

  • Affordability.
    Pre-made solutions are significantly cheaper than developing custom software, which is why most businesses choose them.
  • A wide variety of options.
    There is a wide selection of products at the market, so finding the best CRM software that will fit your needs is easy.
  • Fastest solution.
    A ready-made solution is the fastest option since you won’t have to wait months or even years for your software to be developed and released.
  • Best for small and medium-sized businesses as well as startups.
    It is the best CRM for small business since it’s affordable and provides all the required features and services.
  • Simple maintenance.
    If you use a ready-made CRM system, you don’t have to do anything in terms of maintaining or updating it — you just pay your monthly/yearly fee and get your services.

As you can see, the benefits of ready-made solutions are undeniable, and tools like Germius will perfectly work with a wide variety of businesses, including large corporations.

Benefits of Custom CRMs

So, why do some companies still invest in developing custom CRMs instead of buying the best CRM even though they can afford even the most sophisticated options that would fit all their needs? Most likely because of the following benefits.

  • Funds saving.
    In the long-term perspective, for large corporations, it’s more affordable to develop their own software than renewing expensive subscriptions to ready-made products.
  • Customization and precision.
    Some businesses require specific features, services, and tools that pre-made solutions simply do not provide, which is why developing custom software is the best option for them.
  • Security control.
    A lot of businesses care about their data security and are extremely concerned about possible data leakages since those might lead to tremendous money losses, and custom software that saves data on the company’s server and has extra security measures is their number one choice for them.

Custom CRMs do have some pretty important benefits that are crucial for certain businesses, which is why they are ready to invest their time and money into developing custom CRM software.

Custom or Pre-Made: The Verdict

So, which option to choose? Well, it’s pretty simple — the vast majority of businesses use ready-made CRM systems, meaning, unless you have a large corporation with thousands of employees who need access to your CRM or you work on top secret projects and you need extra security, a premade solution like Germius will be more than enough for you.

So, if you are interested in getting a high-quality CRM system for your business, reach out, and our manager will provide more info about Germis CRM.


A reliable CRM platform is a must for any business, and luckily, you don’t have to develop your own software merely to have your online business run. Just select the best CRM software that fits your needs and enjoy its smooth work.